Saturday 18 April 2015


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My Gardening Advises

(my garden :) )

Hello folks, i have been gardening since almost 10 years now and it has become more of a passion to me now.
i have had a lot of experience and i, today want to share some with you all!
at first it was the total disaster but gradually i got over it took some great advises from a friend and i want other people to learn about it today

1. To remove the salt deposits that form on clay pots, combine equal parts white vinegar, rubbing alcohol and water in a spray bottle. Apply the mixture to the pot and scrub with a plastic brush. Let the pot dry before you plant anything in it.
2. To prevent accumulating dirt under your fingernails while you work in the garden, draw your fingernails across a bar of soap and you'll effectively seal the undersides of your nails so dirt can't collect beneath them. Then, after you've finished in the garden, use a nailbrush to remove the soap and your nails will be sparkling clean.
3. Little clay pots make great cloches for protecting young plants from sudden, overnight frosts and freezes.
4. To create perfectly natural markers, write the names of plants (using a permanent marker) on the flat faces of stones of various sizes and place them at or near the base of your plants.
5.The quickest way in the world to dry herbs: just lay a sheet of newspaper on the seat of your car, arrange the herbs in a single layer, then roll up the windows and close the doors. Your herbs will be quickly dried to perfection. What's more, your car will smell great.

so folks, this some of the ways i used in order to get a nice little garden!
i will hopefully post other advises in a couple of days! 
till then , bye.
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