Saturday, 12 September 2015

mango split with passionfruit, berries and coconut

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mango split with passionfruit, berries and coconut

mango split with passionfruit, berries and coconut
Mangoes are in full season and I’m loving everything about them. Maybe I’m eating more than I normally do at this time of year, but I’m finding them extra delicious somehow. I made a mango, passionfruit and yoghurt brûlée recently which is a wonderful dessert or sweet treat at a brunch. Here I’ve made them into a split with vanilla ice cream, fresh berries, passionfruit, a drizzle of melted white chocolate and coconut shavings. Tropical fruity flavours with a scoop of decadence.
mango split with passionfruit, berries and coconut
Mango works as well as a banana for a split, perhaps better, and you don’t need a recipe here. Simply cut wedges out of mango cheeks and scatter over whatever berries you like. I spooned over the pulp from fresh  passionfruit to give it a lovely tart flavour, and mango and passionfruit are such good flavour friends. I added 2 scoops of vanilla ice cream and melted white chocolate to drizzle over. I finished off with coconut shavings to add texture and crunch to this dessert.
I’m clinging on to the last few weeks of summer as we move into autumn.
mango split with passionfruit, berries and coconut
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